Olduvai Gorge Field School Scholarship
Scholarships are made available to students once they have applied and been accepted for the program. Scholarships range from $500 to $2,000 and are awarded primarily based on academic merit or students in need.
To be considered for this scholarship, please email us
Don and Margie Hattin Special Field Course Fund
This Fund is intended to support IU geology undergraduate students planning to participate in high-quality, rigorous field camp programs. Students who are planning to participate in the Olduvai Gorge field course are encouraged to apply. This fund provides up to $1000 to help pay expenses associated with the field course.
To be considered for this scholarship, please email us
IU Hutton Honors College (HIEP)
The Edward L. Hutton International Experiences Program (HIEP) is a scholarship and grant program for high-achieving IU-Bloomington undergraduate students seeking funding to go abroad for an academic reason. However, HIEP funding is open to any full-time undergraduate student at IU Bloomington and is made on a competitive basis. In general, any IU-Bloomington undergraduate student with a cumulative GPA of 3.40 or major GPA of 3.70 may apply. Grants of up to $3000 are awarded to successful applicants. There is a preference for Hutton Honors College students and Hudson and Holland Scholars.

Geological Society of America
This award is for undergraduate students to attend summer field camp. Twenty students will be awarded $2,000 each to attend the field camp of their choice based on diversity, economic/financial need, and merit.

IU Office of Overseas Studies
Overseas Study awards over $100,000 in scholarships annually on the basis of financial need and academic merit. Overseas Study Scholarships are designated in several categories.

OVPDEMA Study Abroad
The IU Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and mulicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA) offers this scholarship which is intended to assist students in covering some of the costs associated with international study.
Archaeological Institute of America
Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship: Established in honor of AIA Past President Jane Waldbaum, this scholarship is intended to help students who are planning to participate in archaeological field work for the first time. Students majoring in archaeology or related disciplines are especially encouraged to apply. The Scholarship Fund provides $1000 each to help pay expenses associated with participation in an archaeological field work project (minimum stay one month/4 weeks). The scholarship is open to students who have begun their junior year of undergraduate studies at the time of application and have not yet completed their first year of graduate school at a college or university in the United States or Canada. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and must not have previously participated in archaeological fieldwork of any kind. The committee will consider both academic achievement and financial need in its deliberations. AIA scholarships are open to students from all backgrounds. Minority and disadvantaged students are encouraged to apply.
Fund for Education Abroad
Fund for Education Abroad awards are intended to support students planning to participate in high-quality, rigorous education abroad programs. The financial support for these scholarships is provided by generous donors, who are committed to increasing study abroad opportunities for dedicated American students. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as undergraduates in US universities/colleges who plan to study abroad for at least four weeks (a minimum of 30 days). Awards are up to $10,000.
NAGT Scholarships for Field Study
Each year, NAGT makes several $500 awards to undergraduate students to facilitate their study of field geoscience. These awards, previously given to students who attend a traditional summer field camp, are now available for students attending field-based courses at any time of year. The intent of the awards is to support students' participation in intensive field courses in any aspects of geoscience (including geophysics, soil science, hydrology, etc.) that focus on students practicing skills of field observation, data collection, analysis and synthesis. Awardees are selected based on the importance of the field experience in meeting their educational and career goals, the quality of the field aspects of the course, and the importance of the financial award in allowing them to participate in the program. In addition, the committee endeavors to select awardees that expand the diversity of people studying geosciences in the field so they offer two additional awards specifically for women.
Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship
The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is open to all U.S. citizen undergraduates, in good academic standing, who meet the criteria listed below. Over 2,300 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year for U.S. citizen undergraduates to study abroad. Award amounts will vary depending on the length of study and student need with the average award being approximately $4,000.
Other Sources of Financial Aid for Study Abroad
IIE: Institute of International Education.
An independent not-for-profit founded in 1919, IIE is among the world’s largest and most experienced international education and training organizations.
NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange.