Cost Information

Other Expenses
Other expenses for all studentsNotes
International Travel Insurance: $71 Mandatory insurance coverage for the entire trip
Tanzania Living Cost (including safaris, lodging & permits): $4,500 Bursar will email an invoice to students for these fees.
Visa for US nationals: $100This is a cost that students will pay on their own before travel.
Airfare from US to Kilimanjaro International AirportThis is a cost that students will pay on their own before travel.

Cost Descriptions

Field Costs

Field cost includes room and board, ground transportation and contingencies throughout the field course, and immigration, research and other Tanzanian government fees related to the course.

Health Insurance: The program will provide health insurance coverage for all students participating in the course through Indiana University.

Travel Costs

Round trip airfare from Indianapolis to Kilimanjaro ranges from $1,300 to $2,200 depending upon your choice of air carrier and time of booking. Detailed travel information including airlines flying to Kilimanjaro can be acquired upon request (contact us).

Visa: Visit the Embassy of Tanzania’s website for information on obtaining a visa.

Apply for a visa


For payment, view a detailed description at:

Tuition is subject to change without notice by action of the Trustees of Indiana University.

Additional Insurance

Emergency Insurance: The AMREF flying doctors provides air ambulance evacuation and emergence medical service in Tanzania. The charity organization has many years of experience in medical emergency evacuation in very remote areas of Africa. In case of emergency a patient will be evacuated to the nearest referral hospitals in Nairobi, Arusha or Kilimanjaro as recommended by the flying doctors crew.


Each field school participant is required to subscribe for membership in AMREF before leaving home. This is NOT included in the field costs. The membership is $16/month for a package that includes 2 air ambulance evacuations.

Get an AMREF membership

Withdrawals and Fee Reimbursements

Tuition: Students who withdraw one week after the beginning of the course will receive a 100% reimbursement of their tuition. Those who withdraw during the second week will receive a 50% tuition reimbursement.

Field Costs: Full reimbursement of these fees can only be made to students who withdraw before April 15. A 50% reimbursement will be made to those who withdraw between April 16th and May 1st.

Withdrawal and Fee Reimbursement calendar for summer 2024

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